15 Jan

What is LiDAR image?

Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) is a technology used to create high-resolution models of ground elevation with a vertical accuracy of 10 centimeters (4 inches) 

How does lidar work? 

A typical lidar sensor emits pulsed light waves from a laser into the environment. These pulses bounce off surrounding objects and return to the sensor. The sensor uses the time it took for each pulse to return to the sensor to calculate the distance it traveled. 

What is LiDAR mainly used for?

LIDAR (sometimes also written as "LiDAR", "Lidar", or "LADAR") is used in a wide range of land management and planning efforts, including hazard assessment (including lava flows, landslides, tsunamis, and floods), forestry, agriculture, geologic mapping, and watershed and river surveys 

What are the top 5 uses of LiDAR?

Though LiDAR is used in a number of applications, we have chosen Top 5 areas where LiDAR plays an important role.

  • Autonomous vehicles: If you've seen a self-driving car before, you've probably seen a LiDAR sensor. ... 
  • Agriculture: ... 
  • River Survey: ... 
  • Modelling Pollution:

As radar’s commercial introduction in maritime transformed navigation more than 50 years ago, so lidar (light detection and ranging) will do the same. Lidar is becoming an integral part of AI-enabled and autonomous navigation as it provides another layer of information from the environment, conditions and hazards surrounding a ship. 

Kongsberg Maritime supplied lidar along with radar, AIS, cameras and infrared cameras on Yara International’s semi-autonomous container ship Yara Birkeland. This sensor fusion will be deployed on other autonomous vessels in the future. It is already installed on tugs remotely controlled from shore in trials of autonomous navigation technology.

Sensor fusion with lidar will also be mixed with algorithms for collision avoidance, risk assessment and power optimisation to support vessel masters on manned ships in the future.

 Trials are underway on a ferry in the Baltic region where information is gathered from a mixture of sensors and processed to improve ship navigation. 

Tallink Grupp’s newest vessel Megastar is providing a base for practical field tests on the Helsinki-Tallinn route on the Baltic Sea. Its sensor fusion includes visual, audio, radar and lidar. These send information for processing using AI and machine-learning software.

The goal is to automatically identify objects, such as navigation aids and other vessels, to improve situational awareness. In offshore, lidar is deployed at sites for renewable energy projects to gather information on sea conditions, and offshore support vessels use lidar devices in dynamic positioning (DP).

 This technology is incorporated in the latest laser-based positioning sensors from Guidance Marine for DP operations.