16 Jun

The EEDI for new ships is the most important technical measure and aims at promoting the use of more energy efficient (less polluting) equipment and engines. 

1. IMPROVING  your ships EEDI

Answer is slender vessel. 

The EEDI thresholds can be met by reducing the hull resistance, which reduces the power required for propulsion. One way to achieve this is to increase hull length, beam or both to reduce the block coefficient, enabling a slenderer design, keeping the vessel's cargo-carrying capacity unchanged .

2. How is EEDI calculated on a ship?

Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), formulated for new ships, is an index that estimates grams of CO2 per transport work (g of CO2 per tonne-mile). 

It can be expressed as the ratio of “environmental cost” divided by “Benefit for Society”. 

3. How does Seemp increase shipboard efficiency?

SEEMP do emphasis on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships by providing methods for reducing the fuel consumption and using alternative fuel which causes less GHG emissions 

4. How can you increase the efficiency of a ship?

These include slow-speed operation planning, higher capacity and resource utilization, and precise communication between shipping entities for efficient route planning.

 Reducing the turnaround time in ports is another way of increasing ship efficiency 

5.What is reduction factor in EEDI?

The reduction factor represents a reduction for the EEDI relative to the reference line value and is increased in a set of time intervals

However, the scheme of the reduction factor change seems to be rigidly set and could lead to design issues and ship under powering.

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